Canon mp480 scanner utility
Canon mp480 scanner utility



  • Canon PIXMA MP Driver Download - Support Software.
  • Using Canon IJ Network utility version 2. Just in case someone made the same mistake I did: After installing the driver at the top of the list I could print again - yay!īut, I still couldn't scan! After a few days of grumbling about still not being able to scan I went back to the Canon website and read a little more carefully - guess what? This all-in-one device requires two, separate drivers! Just to add to this bit of information, I want to report that after installing Snow Leopard, I was not able to print on a wireless network with the recently released Canon drivers. After that my printer showed up in the default list after that. It installed, forced a reboot ran the software and I just confirmed the settings that it found. That is the tool that lets you set your printers network settings remotely. On a lark I downloaded the IJ Network took again. The released a bunch of new software in Sept of This still didn't resolve the issue. Go directly to canon and load their latest and greatest drivers. Was working fine, on After that the Canon showed up as a scanner only. I see no multifunction hardware listed on the printer page I posted before, so I guess the support site map is the best place to start looking for updated drivers. If your's doesn't show up right away, wait a bit before giving up.

    canon mp480 scanner utility


    Also, before the upgrade it sometimes took more than 30 seconds for my printer to show up in the list of Canon IJ Network printers.

    canon mp480 scanner utility

    After clicking "More Printers Maybe this button was showing before I installed the driver, but I don't think so. March 23, License: After upgrading to After rerunning the old installer mpsosxpdea This is NOT with the other printer types listed across the top.īad design if you ask me. Copy the following code to link to this page: Share This Page. Additional features of Canon MP include the ability to keep the paper output tray closed when not printing the feature opens automatically when printing begins, the Quick Start feature that lets you increase power in less than three seconds, and Auto Photo Fix that fixes red-eye and improve the quality of your images. You can also print directly from a compatible digital camera or camera phone including a Bluetooth device via the optional Bluetooth BU interface.

    canon mp480 scanner utility

    Canon PIXMA MP480 CUPS Printer Driver (Mac) You simply insert the memory card into the installed card slot, preview, and even upgrade your image on the 1. You can also easily print photos without using a computer. Canon PIXMA MP480 Operating System Compatibility.Canon PIXMA MP480 CUPS Printer Driver (Mac)

    Canon mp480 scanner utility